
Author of Leading Well at Home: How Husbands and Fathers Can Biblically Lead Their Families, Eric longs to see the next generation equipped with the biblical understanding and tools necessary for them to make disciples of their next generation.
Passionate about enabling parents and churches to succeed where it matters most, he is eager to share how young people can learn to see through the lens of a biblical worldview so that they can identify what is true and what is false.
Father to two teen girls and a ten year old son, he knows the challenges families face today - knowledge gained by years of getting children out of the bed in the morning, doing all that he can to protect, provide, and care for them throughout the day, and tucking them into bed at night.
Growing and faithfully serving Christ and your family does not just happen. Through 20 years of marriage, Eric has learned that continually growing and serving Christ and your family well requires intentionality and a willingness to learn from others.
Eric earned a Master’s of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently an active member of a local church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. You’ll often find Eric and his family reading together or having a movie night at home.
Allow him to equip and encourage you to lead well by entrusting the faith to the next generation that sleeps in your home!